OPINION: A rotten smell in the Public Ministry

It is very difficult to give credit to the Attorney General (in charge), Javier Caraballo, when last Thursday he stated that “until now we have little information” about the process that is being carried out in New York for the Odebrecht case, in which The two sons of former President Martinelli have admitted to receiving bribes from the construction company. Caraballo may not be aware of the evidence accumulated in the case file in Panama, but to say that he handles “little” information is enormously awkward and says a lot about how little he has been interested in this case. To begin with, the prosecutor in charge of the process was sent on vacation last June. Each time you return to duty, you are notified that your vacation has been extended for another month. If Caraballo needs to know about the case, the prosecutor has already rested six months and can bring her back, but chose to speculate with the information. The signs are clear, let’s not fool ourselves. Something smells rotten in the Public Ministry with this file and we are not surprised that the famous non-aggression pact between this government and one of the accused ends up including this case. And, once again, Panama will make an international fool of itself – LA PRENSA, Dec.11.