Inequity  mutations, and misinformation hinder pandemic fight


Inequity in access to vaccines, virus mutations, relaxation of biosafety measures, and misinformation are some of the factors hindering overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic.

The emergence of the new variant called Ómicron and identified in South Africa highlights the situation since in that country the population vaccinated with two doses does not exceed 30%.

Panama scientists Xavier Sáez-Llorens and Paulino Vigil De Gracia suggest that the transmission and emergence of new variants will continue as long as the percentage of vaccination in the countries remains low because the virus has the ability to mutate and generate new lineages or variants when it replicates. freely in an unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated population. The African continent continues with a low percentage of the protected population – 10.7% with one dose and 7.2% with two – well behind the world average, which is 54.1% of the population with at least one dose. , according to the data of the site

While rich countries inject the booster dose into their population, incorporate children into the vaccination campaign and strive to inject the biologic to the laggards, Africa continues with a low percentage of the protected population – 10.7% with one dose, and 7.2% with two—, far behind the world average of is 54.1% of the population with at least one dose.

The pediatrician, infectologist Xavier Sáez-Llorens explained s that South Africa does not reach 30% of the population vaccinated with two doses and, to top it off, 20% of its population is HIV positive, – a fertile ground for new variants of the Covid-19.

“The scientific and business world has to be more supportive and ensure the equitable distribution of vaccines in every corner of the world. No country is safe from the virus if the whole world continues to lose control locally, ”he said.

Another factor that adversely influences the pandemic is the lack of control in the transmission of the virus, which was what led to the emergence of the variant of concern called Delta in India, due to the population density and the relaxation of hygienic-sanitary measures.

The recent increase in Covid-19 cases in Europe has made it the epicenter of the pandemic. The reality is that several countries relaxed biosafety measures, such as the use of a mask, and another factor that is influencing is that only 57.7% of the population has their two doses of the vaccine.

Paulino Vigil De Gracia of the National Research System of the National Secretariat of Science, Technology, and Innovation stated that the scenario was complicated by not maintaining the biosafety strategies that keep the virus away, such as, in addition to the use of masks, avoiding the crowds.

He added that people are surprised by what is happening in Europe and attack vaccines without doing a single analysis.  Germany has a little more than 84 million inhabitants, and 67% have been completely vaccinated, that is, there are 27 million unvaccinated people or with few restrictions.

Vaccinated, recovered, or dead
Against this background in Germany, Jens Spahn, that country’s Health Minister, issued a strong warning days ago for those who have not been vaccinated. The official said he was sure that by the end of this winter everyone in that nation would be “vaccinated, recovered or dead.”

The acting Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, admitted that the situation due to the pandemic is already “dramatic”, and that the restrictions that are currently in force “are not enough”, so that new measures could be adopted in the coming days, in line with the path already taken by other European countries.

In Panama During epidemiological week (November 21- 27), 1,471 cases of Covid-19 were registered which represents 89 cases more than those registered the previous week (from November 14 to 20), according to the epidemiological reports from the Ministry of Health, 54% of the total population has been vaccinated with two doses, estimated at 4,536,240.