OPINION: Muddying public service


It is clear that in this government there is blatant opportunism sponsored by the President of the Republic himself, by allowing an organism under his command – the Directorate of Social Assistance, the former PAN – to continue being the bank that finances political patronage, as has been demonstrated with the money used to buy electronic items that the deputy Alejandro Castillero distributed in a political event in his circuit, in the province of Herrera.

 The president’s pernicious tolerance and consent to this blatant act of vulgar patronage contrasts with his heated speeches against the misuse of money. If you want us to believe your words, hypocrisy is not an ingredient that builds credibility. Every time there are political events that Panamanians pay for the benefit of these affronts the president’s promises are completely emptied, precipitously depleting his political capital and that of his government.

Society is fed up with the cynicism sponsored by the president and his vice president, also a minister of the Presidency. That is, between the two of them they muddy public service, consenting to acts that conflict with the decency that should distinguish every official. – LA PRENSA, Nov. 28.