Covid booster shots available for 18  and older

Booster doses against Covid-19, for the population 18 years of age and older will be available on Wednesday, November 24, in all the vaccination points already established said HeaIth Minister Luis Francisco Sucre on Tuesday.

The decision follows the recent approval of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC), based in the United States, that people 18 years of age or older who received the vaccines from Pfizer may receive a booster dose. “With this decision, the amount of population that must be applied with the booster dose against Covid-19, which was previously for people over 55 years old, is expanded,” he said. According to the PanavaC-19 vaccination strategy schedule, booster doses with Pfizer should be given to all those over 50 years of age who have completed their vaccination schedule (two doses) or have been vaccinated with AstraZeneca. Booster doses with Pfizer should also be given to all those 18 to 49 years of age who have completed a vaccination schedule and are chronically ill. The minister indicated that following the PanavaC-19 strategy, booster doses with Pfizer can be applied to all those over 18 -49 years of age who have completed their full vaccination schedule.

Sucre took the opportunity to warn about the upturn in cases in provinces such as Los Santos, Coclé, Chiriquí, and the metropolitan region, reports TVN.