Panama heading the way of Venezuela – ex-minister


Former Minister of Public Works, José Antonio Domínguez,  told TVN that there is no certainty that what has happened with Odebrecht in countries where justice reigns will happen in Panama.

He recalled that in the United States they sentenced businessmen for giving bribes in Panama, but nothing has happened here.

Domínguez pointed out that the judicial system has an attitude of: I do not see, Ido not hear and I do not speak.

He stressed that, despite the fact that Odebrecht accepted to have given bribes in the country and reached an accusation agreement, it is not known how many people are imprisoned, how many law firms are involved, and how many are prosecuted.

“There in the US they can imprison the two Martinelli brothers, but here in Panama the culprits will continue the lives of the rich and famous without anyone touching them,”

The former minister reiterated that he does not trust the Panamanian justice, because the laws are not enforced, in addition, he did not rule out that there are

strong reactions from outside and people appointed abroad could be included in some lists.

“If I am a power and I see that you are affecting me, I will include you in my list and in which I can put pressure on the outside and you are going to pay as a

country,” Domínguez asserted, recalling what happened in the Waked case. He was emphatic in saying that the judicial system has to straighten its course

and do the work it should do or it will reach a system very similar to or worse than Venezuela.

“We are leading the country to a disaster and the worst thing is that we have a people in a terrible lethargy, the people are not thinking. The people now think to

allow a person who has been denounced, prosecuted, investigated abroad to govern the country. If we have the misfortune to be governed in this way,

Venezuela will be a detail, “he said.