Christmas collectible art auction to aid disadvantaged

The Social Assistance Caravan of Diplomatic and Panamanian Ladies recently launched the Bobbles 2021 collectible art auction, in which Christmas spheres are the protagonists.
The decorative elements that are used to decorate the tree become works of art, which reflect the creativity and point of view of the more than 100 national and international plastic artists who participate in the auction, whose funds will be allocated, in large part , to benefit the disability programs developed by the Pro Integración Foundation.
In his ball ‘The Spirit of Christmas’, the artist Rodrigo Méndez reflects the eyes of Santa Claus, which can be seen diffuse by the ‘pixels’, to capture the Christmas spirit as an abstract emotion. On the other hand, Julia Achurra shows a hatched woman who symbolizes the bicentennial and the month of the fatherland. Ana Lida Díaz, with ‘Pintando la Navidad’, reflects a brush painting in red, the intense and characteristic color par excellence of these holidays.
The auction will be held virtually from November 17 to 18 through the website , while the exhibition of the spheres will be from November 16 to 21 at the Museum of Contemporary Art, from 10: 00 am to 3:00 pm
The president of the Caravan of Social Assistance, Marilyn Melo De Simons, said “The money raised from this auction will be used to help people who are at risk in our country. We are going to help the Pro-Integración Foundation, which is dedicated to serving people with hearing and mobility disabilities, ”
Some of the people who will benefit will be able to listen to music, the sounds of nature or the voices of their relatives, while those with mobility disabilities will be able to move more freely ”.