Avoiding the European Covid-19 rebound


The rebound in Covid-19 cases in Europe is an alarm that should not go unnoticed. The outbreak in this region – which accounts for half of the infections worldwide – is due to several factors: the rejection of vaccines; incomplete vaccination schedule, including booster dose; slowing down of the immunization process; as well as the flexibility of social distancing, among others. If we examine this list, Panama is in a similar situation, so it is necessary for the population to become aware that there is progress, but there is still uncertainty. Now, the country is preparing to vaccinate its youngest population, but there are many left behind, who prefer to continue exposing themselves to a severe contagion by not getting vaccinated. If a regrowth of this caliber were to be registered in Panama, The authorities will undoubtedly have to take energetic measures for those who reject vaccines, because although it is their decision, at the same time they put the lives of most of the people at risk. There are no excuses not to get vaccinated since there is a dose for everyone. It is therefore urgent that the Government draw up a route, in order to avoid reaching the extremes that all of Europe now suffers. –LA PRENSA, Nov, 15.