Daily average of covid infections falls to 124

In the first 10 days of November, Panama registered 1,239 cases of Covid-19 , a daily average of 124 daily cases, numbers that project that it may be one of the months with the least incidents in 2021.
With the impact of the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, January 2021 registered the highest number of infections with 73,589
Between February and May, positive cases were decreasing, but the monthly average did not drop below 10,000.
Already in June of this year with 25,681 cases, July with 31,877 and August with 21,382, the hit of the third wave of the virus was evident.
In the past two months, the decrease in cases is evident when 9,626 were reported in September, a daily average of 320; and 5,551 in October, for an average per day of 179.
Health authorities have reiterated that vaccination and maintaining biosecurity measures have been key to containing the virus.
No complacency
They emphasize that it is important not to relax the measures and achieve the goal of immunizing the target population to be vaccinated, which is about 3.4 million.
“The world has not come out of the pandemic, neither has Panama. Let’s look at the US and let’s not be complacent. We still do not have the vaccination coverage we need and as a society we are relaxing the measures that have led us to temporarily control the pandemic! Complete your 2nd dose! ”, said Eduardo Ortega, advisor to the Covid-19 Vaccine Research Consortium.