Acquitted Martinelli will seek presidency in 2024

Former President Ricardo Martinelli) was acquitted on Tuesday, November 9 of the crimes of interception of communications and monitoring, persecution, and surveillance without judicial authorization by a trial court composed of judges Iveth Francois Vega, Jennifer Saavedra Naranjo, and Marysol América Osorio.
The decision was known at 7:35 pm, two years after another trial court made the same decision, on August 8, 2019. That trial was annulled by an appeals court. This time, the court concluded that the Public Ministry did not prove that Martinelli ordered the wiretaps.
Once the new decision was known, the followers of Martinelli, who awaited the development of the audience with costumes and slogans in the vicinity of Plaza Ágora, exploded with joy.
An exalted Martinelli told the press that justice was finally served after seven years. Immediately, he moved with part of his legal team to Channel 21, which he owns, where he announced that he will seek the Presidency in 2024.