Separate entrance for victims on final day of Martinelli trial

Today, Monday, November 8, 2021, at 2:00 pm the closing arguments in the illegal wiretapping trial of former president Ricardo l Martinelli will begin in Plaza Ágora.

The prosecution and the defense will each have one hour.

The Office of the Prosecutor Against Organized Crime will be the first to present final arguments before  judges Iveth Francois Vega (President), Jennifer Cristine Saavedra Naranjo

(Rapporteur) and Marysol Osorio Leyton (Third Judge), then it is the turn of the lawyers of the plaintiffs Balbina Herrera and Mitchell Doens and finally, the defense of Martinelli accused of the presumed commission of the crimes of interception of telecommunications, monitoring, persecution, and surveillance without judicial authorization.

The victims will go to the court once the final arguments are concluded, for this the court has arranged a space of 15 minutes to be heard by the judges. The lawyer Carlos Herrera Delegado indicated that six of the victims have confirmed their participation.

Follow the recorded incidents of insults and attacks on some victims, the court ordered a special entrance for them.

Once the allegations phase and the intervention of the victims are concluded, the court enters a recess to deliberate and give its sentence of guilty or not guilty.

Among the victims who will attend to be heard are the r Balbina Herrera, Francisco SánchezCárdenas and the former deputy José Luis ‘Popi’ Varela.