Civic and moral values crusade

The National Commission for Civic and Moral Values ​​launched a crusade on Monday, October 18. The initiative is led by the Lions Club of Panama and has the support of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (Cciap).

For a month different activities will be carried out in the country, with the aim of promoting civic values ​​and good citizen practices.

The closing of the awareness activities will be on November 18, when the National Day of Values ​​is celebrated. For that day, keynote conferences by leading figures of national events have been scheduled.

“We must prioritize civic, ethical and moral values ​​as the north in actions in public and private life, in order to strengthen trust and credibility in all sectors of our country without which there can be no truly sustainable development,” said Sonia Mora, who chairs the National Commission.

“The principles of honesty and respect for human dignity are unshakable,” said Marcela Galindo, vice president of the Cciap.