Work begins on Metro Line 3

The construction phase of the piles that will support Metro line 3, which will connect the provinces of Panama and Panama Oeste began on Tuesday, October 5.
According to a Metro report, a total of 1,450 piles are required along the 24.5 kilometers of the work, which goes from the Panama Pacifico sector to Ciudad del Futuro.
“The piloting works will begin on two fronts: on the viaduct corresponding to the San Bernardino area and the Ciudad del Futuro Station, the last station on line 3,” said a Metro statement.
The construction of a pile takes three to four days and that this stage will advance in accordance with the work execution schedule. To this end, road adjustments, liberation of areas and relocation of public services will be made.
On the Ciudad del Futuro Station, it is specified that it will be located in front of the Pan-American highway, at the entrance of this community and two accesses will be built to meet the demand.
“Currently, at this point the plan for the rescue and relocation of the flora and fauna, as well as the removal of the vegetation the latter in areas necessary for the development of the work. Additionally, the earth movement has begun ”, it was reported.
The HPH, Joint Venture consortium, made up of the companies Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd, and Posco Engineering Construction, received on February 22 the order to proceed to execute the work that will cost $ 2.844 billion and the works will have a duration of 52 months.
To connect the two provinces, a tunnel will be built that will cross the Panama Canal whose construction has not yet been tendered.