Protestors against electoral reform bill plan human chain

Protests will continue against electoral reforms contained in Bill 544 currently being debated in the National Assembly with a call for the creation of a human chain on Wednesday, October 6.
Protestors will gather on Calle 50, corner of Novey, -old Danté, ar 4 pm in civic protest to how the deputies carry out the debate on electoral reforms. to stop what they have called an “electoral trap.”
Aurelio Barría, ex-civilista, tweeted that he will participate in the protest “against the corrupt and deceptive parliamentary dictatorship that squanders public funds for its own benefit, intends to continue without approving electoral reforms / Residue, Penal Jurisdiction, Parity, and Electoral Subsidy.”
The changes to project 544, which destroy the one-year work of the Electoral Reform Commission –which brings together all sectors–, have provoked protests from citizens, who demand transparency and equality for a fair contest.