Catering to satraps

The National Assembly (AN) continues to test the patience of Panamanians. We are witnessing salary increases for officials of this State body; They have even borrowed millions of dollars – in the midst of a pandemic – to pay their bulky payroll. We have discovered that they have the family involved both in the AN payroll and in their private businesses but paid with funds from the Legislature. They lend themselves to pass laws that are robberies of the State; that steal money from the National Treasury through non-governmental organizations; that they have legal privileges that place them above the common citizen; who do political proselytizing with public funds and who bend the laws to seek their own benefit. And now we also have to feed them. This seems like a triviality, But the truth is that there is no justification whatsoever for spending thousands on feeding satraps when there are Panamanians who receive miseries from the Government to face the loss of jobs or the reduction of their salaries. While a few gobble up snacks and cakes, there are thousands wondering whether or not they will be able to put something to eat in their mouths. – LA PRENSA, Sep. 26.