CURFEW ENDS MONDAY: Green light for discos, bars, and spas


On Monday, September 27, the curfew that the country has endured for over a  year will be lifted in the regions of Panama North, Panama Metro, San Miguelito, and in the provinces of Veraguas, Herrera, Coclé, and Los Santos, the Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre reported on Tuesday, September 21.

The decision was made due to the decrease in active cases of Covid-19, deaths, and the positivity index, Sucre said.

The curfew will also be, in the Capira district of  Panama Oeste province, and in the Chagres district in the Colón province.

He added that the measures already established in the other districts of the provinces of Panama Oeste, Chiriquí, Colón, and Panama East are maintained.

However, the curfew remains in force, from Monday to Sunday, from 1:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. and the closing of shops will be at midnight, in places where the mobility restriction has not been lifted said the minister.

The Health Minister also announced that from next Monday, September 27, the use of courts for neighborhood leagues will be allowed, as long as biosafety measures are respected and rivers, spas, and beaches remain open, and moderate liquor consumption will be allowed.

People who attend theaters and cinemas will be allowed to share with their family bubble with a space chair between one and another group of families.

You can also attend bars and discos, but you must meet the 80% capacity for those vaccinated with the full scheme.

Sucre said that the authorities of the Ministry of Health and representatives of bars and discos have held several meetings in order to achieve an opening that respects biosafety standards at all times.

He added that it was agreed that customers will not be able to stand in the bars, the waiters must wear a mask and all those attending the premises must wear their mask.

He urged the population to maintain the use of a mask, alcoholic gel, a face shield when transporting passengers, hand washing, physical distancing, and the use of alcohol.

He assured that the authorities will maintain a strict vigilance and will be attentive to the fulfillment of the biosafety measures of both businessmen and users and clients.