Covid cases down 18.5% and falling

The epidemiological week that ended Saturday (September 12 to 18) closed with 2,028 new cases of Covid-19, about 463 infections less than the previous week.

This represents a decrease of 18.5% in new cases. In addition, the statistics provided by the Ministry of Health (Minsa) reflect that there were 37 deaths, six less than the previous one.

Public health specialist Jorge Luis Prosperi indicated that during the last 12 weeks the cases have decreased, but that we should not trust ourselves with the dangerous Delta variant.

58% of the total 9.2 million doses of vaccines purchased by the country have been applied.

The epidemiological week closed y with an average of 290 cases – in total, 2,28 – and six deaths a day due to Covid-19, according to the Minsa reports, between September 12 and 18.

Luis Prosperi, says the Covid-19 epidemic in Panama shows a clear trend of decreasing cases for 11 weeks.

“Although we maintain a successful vaccination program, we cannot claim victory because the dangerous Delta variant is circulating in our country, which forces us to redouble compliance with public health measures and advance with the mass vaccination that we are carrying out”, the doctor pointed out.

Another indicator that Prosperi highlighted is that positivity clearly decreased, reporting 5% or less, which brings us closer to the goal established by the World Health Organization to control the epidemic.