Vaccination program cuts covid cases

Panama continues to show a notable decrease in new Covid-19 infections in recent weeks, a panorama that is also reflected in active cases.
According to figures from the Ministry of Health (Minsa), active cases totaled 8,026 on August 28. A week later, the epidemiological report (September 4) registered 6,337 active cases, that is, 2,489 fewer people with the disease.
If the last number of patients with the virus for the month of July is compared with that of August, the decrease is also significant.
As of July 31, 2021, 12,589 active cases were reported, while as of August 31, the registry was 7,479, a difference of 5,110 fewer active cases.
The Minsa registered a total of 4,219 new infections between Sunday 22 and Saturday 28 August. However, between Sunday, August 29 and September 4, the weekly accumulated fell to 3,316. There are 903 fewer cases.
In the past 15 days, the highest number of daily cases occurred on August 25 with 864. From that day until yesterday, only three dates were registered with more than 600 cases.
At the moment the country is carrying out a massive vaccination campaign and according to the Ministry of Health, more than 2 million people have received already two doses.