Delta variant raises the herd immunity bar

The arrival of the Delta variant in Panama has raised the bar for herd immunity and increased the urgency to accelerate the application of vaccine doses.

Previously, health authorities assured that with 70% of the immunized population the virus could be controlled now with the  variant a percentage be 85% or more is needed

Minsa  reports show that until Friday the first doses of vaccines had been applied to 2,420,555 people, which represents 58% of the population of 4,200.000.

While 20%, (946,049) have completed their immunization cycle. That means that one in five people in the country has already received their two doses against the virus.

Eduardo Ortega, advisor to the Panama Covid-19 Vaccine Research Consortium, stressed that the Delta variant has been detected in six provinces, which now changes the landscape reports La Prensa.


“In these next two weeks we hope to place 940,000 second doses  which will help us. But that is not enough to stop the Delta, since it is necessary to have the highest number of second doses applied, “said the scientist.

President of the Cortizo , announced Friday that next week 448,599 vaccines against Covid-19 from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer are scheduled for first and second doses in 10 circuits of the country.

The president specified that second doses will be applied in circuits 2-1 (Coclé), 4-1 (Chiriquí) and 6-2 and 6-3 (Herrera). Also in circuits 9-2 and 9-4 (Veraguas) and 8-7 and 8-8 (Panama), to the population 16 years of age and older.

Cortizo clarified that, for the moment, in those sweeps only those over 16 years of age will be considered for immunization, since it will be the “availability of vaccines” that will determine whether to include later minors from 12 to 15 years old.