Judge has 30 days to rule on future of Blue Apple case

Judge Baloisa Marquínez has 30 business days to decide the future of the Blue Apple case peppered with names of former high rollers, allegedly involved in a $40 million business scam.

After hearing both the allegations of the Prosecutor’s Office and the 39 defense attorneys, Marquínez the third judge for the Settlement of Criminal Cases, Marquínez, accepted the end of 30 business days to decide whether to call the 51 involved to trial or decree the dismissal.

After 3:00 pm on Tuesday, August 10, the arguments of the last defense attorney concluded. and, at 3:15 pm, the media outside the Balboa Theater, temporary headquarters of the Third Criminal Court for Liquidation, learned of Marquínez’s decision.

The judge would accept the term established by law due to the voluminous nature of the file, which is made up of at least 320 volumes and due to the number of people involved in the investigation.

Prosecutor Adecio Mojica stated at the end of the preliminary hearing that all those involved will be called to trial by the judge based on the evidence they presented.