4 weeks reading of evidence in Martinelli trial “just a start”

The reading of seven volumes of documentary evidence in the wiretapping trial of former President Ricardo Martinelli will take four weeks.
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Ricardo González, spokesman for the prosecution, said that the “full” reading of these booklets could take about four weeks. “You have to read all the details on the pages,” he said.
On Monday, August 2, Day 9 of the trial, onzález reported that after that, more testimonial, expert, and documentary evidence will be presented. “We are just getting started,” he said.
Meanwhile, the political leader Balbina Herrera, one of the complainants in this process, pointed out that “in the past period the booklets were not read and everything that was done in the National Security Council was consolidated there.”
Herrera was also asked by journalists about the constant disparagement of the trial by Martinelli. “Put your feet on the ground. Let him know that we are not playing games. What he did has to set a precedent in this country, “she said.
The former president, accused of the alleged commission of the crimes of interception of telecommunications, monitoring, persecution and surveillance without judicial authorization, reiterated Monday that the trial is a “farce” and that “it will fall.”
His defense once again questioned the chain of custody of the documents presented by the prosecution.
According to the prosecution, the booklets contain hundreds of conversations, emails, and follow-ups made between 2012 and May 2014 by a group of CSN officials, on the orders of then-President Martinelli.