30 aftershocks follow 7 magnitude earthquake


An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 was felt on Thursday, July 22, in the province of Chiriquí, which again alerted the security entities, after the region was shaken yesterday by an earthquake of magnitude 7.

The Institute of Geosciences of Panama confirmed this morning the 5.6 tremor, which occurred 18 hours after the one registered yesterday afternoon.

In addition, the authorities reported that after yesterday’s 7-degree earthquake, 30 more aftershocks were registered.

Personnel from the Ministry of Housing and Territorial Planning began the evaluation of at least four affected homes in the Barú district sector.

Armando Palacios, regional director of the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc), confirmed that due to the earthquake in the shops of Barú, objects fell and that some tiles in the Dionicio Arrocha hospital were raised.