Rot in the National Assembly

It takes a perfect nerve to present a legislative initiative that seeks to eliminate the accessory penalties that can accompany convictions for common crimes, including, for example, being disqualified from holding public office for a time. Instead of toughening the accessory penalties – which seek to protect the State from the presence of convicted crooks – what deputy Raúl Pineda (PRD) has presented seeks precisely the opposite. This perhaps marks the new bottom of the rot in which the National Assembly is sunk. The only thing missing is that his next slop allows people convicted of robbery or homicide to run – from prison – to be president of the Republic, deputy or mayor, in which case, his resume will be adorned with the mention of his sentence. Every day that passes it is shown that our politicians are gang members who, drunk with power, no longer care that it is known. Undoubtedly, this bill has the name and surname, the measurements, and the preferred color of the person who would be the largest beneficiary. And this being the case, why don’t you quit your party and go for the one you really work for. There are 99 reasons – in addition to this caricature of the law – that reveal where the loyalties of this subject are located. – LA PRENSA, Jul. 21