New rules for travelers to reactivate tourism

New provisions for travelers entering Panama from July 26 are part of the roadmap to reactivate the tourism sector says Health Minister Luis Sucre.

The requirements are

 1  covid-19 vaccination card that indicates the record of the last dose at least 14 days before arrival in Panama. The covid-19 vaccination card must be uploaded in the affidavit before traveling. In addition, the passenger, upon arrival, must physically present the vaccination card or the Digital Certificate issued by the competent authority.

 2 The passenger must upload a negative covid-19 test (PCR or antigen) in the affidavit of health with a maximum of 72 hours before entering Panama. In addition, the passenger, upon arrival, must present his negative test.

For passengers who meet requirements 1 and 2 (that is, vaccination and negative test) from non-High Risk countries: It is not necessary to carry out another covid-19 test at the points of entry, or to quarantine.

For passengers who meet requirements 1 and 2 (that is, vaccination and negative test) from countries that the Minsa identifies as “High Risk”, a second covid-19 test must be performed at the country’s entry points, at the passenger’s cost, and if negative they will not have to comply with quarantine.

If they do not have the covid-19 test of a maximum of 72 hours, it will be mandatory to perform it at their cost. If the test is positive, the passengers must comply, at their own expense, with the quarantine established by the Ministry of Health.

 The entry requirements for passengers without full covid-19 vaccination are:

The passenger must upload a negative covid-19 test (PCR or antigen) in the affidavit of health with a maximum of 72 hours before entering Panama.

Passengers who come from countries that are not high risk must present their negative test in less than 72 hours, PCR or Antigen, but if they do not present it, they will have to carry out a test at the entry point upon arrival at cost to the traveler and if it is negative, they will not have to comply with the quarantine.

Passengers who come from countries that the Minsa identifies as “High Risk”, must undergo a second covid-19 test at the points of entry to the country and if negative they will have to comply with three days of quarantine, at the cost of the passenger from Monday, August 9