The $30,000 trophy of “Dr Merengue”

The photo of the inert body of a leopard, just hunted with a rifle equipped with a telescopic sight, next to which former president Ernesto Pérez Balladares poses, has caused an angry response from those who have commented on the post, according to the former president, who uploaded the photograph showing the macabre spectacle.

 Pérez Balladares answered the matter with arguments – as idiotic as the size of his ego – that have been easily destroyed by netizens, who have not spared the offenses against the author of the no less offensive death of the feline.

“To those who have expressed so much hatred: I hope they do not accept fishing or eat animal products. Eat hatred, envy and resentment, “says his tweet, by way of explanation, which said,” I do not owe anyone, “although, anyway, he gave it. Perhaps the envy thing is because killing a leopard costs between $ 15,000 and $ 30,000; and if the hunt included an elephant, it would be necessary to add between $ 23,000 and $ 60,000. I suppose that so much money destined to kill animals, whose population is decimated because of legal and illegal hunting, is for him a cause for envy.

In the comments that I have read in response to the explanation that, according to this man, he does not owe anyone, it must be said that there was resentment and even hatred, but not for his reasons. It was not because he has the money to pay for these eccentricities, but because of the fact of having killed the leopard, which, surely, will have undergone a taxidermy process that will allow him to show his head as a trophy in his hunting room, where there are several other heads of wild animals, killed in their periodic “hunts.”

In April 2010, relatives of the former president said that he had paid $ 45,000 to participate in something that hunters call a “big five ” in Africa, which is nothing more than hunting a lion, a leopard, a rhinoceros, an elephant and a buffalo. He probably did not participate in the safari for legal reasons, but we see that he has returned to being the riflescope hunter that he likes to be.

And before you tell me that I am writing this because I am also envious of you, I will go ahead by answering you that, like many of those who answered you, such a statement —if you do so— is not true. I have nothing to envy him, because nothing he has or is provokes me. I have no love for someone else’s money; I don’t like narcissism or arrogance either. If, in addition to this, I had something else to offer as a human being, perhaps I would be envious of the good.

On the other hand, I believe that the envy is part of his being. I have a sister with several master’s degrees and I have never heard her claim the title of doctor. And I agree with one of the people who responded to him in networks, that surely, due to the fact that he would no longer run for public office, he is now showing us his other side —and true—, in which case, yes The title of doctor comes in handy, that of Doctor Merengue.- Rolando Rodríguez B. Spicy Saturday.LA PRENSA