Supreme Court rejects Minera appeals

Panama’s Supreme Court (CSJ) has rejected, as inadmissible, a series of appeals presented by Minera Panamá and the Ministry of Commerce and Industries, (Mici)in relation to the ruling that declared Law 9 of 1997 unconstitutional, which approved the mining concession contract. in the mountains of Donoso, province of Colón.

An edict posted on Thursday by the CSJ reported that on June 28, 2021, the plenary decided to reject outright five appeals presented by Minera Panama, through its lawyers, Morgan and Morgan. This is an incident of nullity of all the proceedings, a warning of unconstitutionality and three requests: for the ex officio revocation; of clarification and sentence of omitted points, and of reconsideration.

Likewise, it reported that the request for clarification of the sentence filed by Ana María Cáceres de Delgado, legal representative of the Mici, is also rejected outright.

Although it was barely released a day ago, the Presidency of the Republic announced that it would negotiate with Minera Panama the legal aspects of the concession and, for this purpose, appointed a negotiating team, which included four ministers : Ramón Martínez, from Mici; Héctor Alexander, from Economy and Finance; Milciades Concepción, from Environment, and Doris Zapata, from Work.