The Laurentino Cortizo government must have the worst negotiators in history. The details to renew the contract with Panama Ports Company (PPC) are still unknown, although we already know that they are worse than the original contract. To top it all, one of the government negotiators was, at the same time, part of the PPC board of directors. On whose side were his loyalties? Two neurons are enough to deduce it, after the shameful result they presented us. Now, the Government announces that it is preparing to do the same, but with Minera Panama, with the difference that they no longer have a current contract, since the one in force was annulled by a Supreme Court ruling. Preparation should begin with a reform of the Mining Code, which currently establishes miseries in royalties for the State. After these reforms, the mining concession should be governed by said code and abandon the contract-law formula. We hope that the new negotiators on the part of the Executive – some of the old guard of the PRD and without the best credentials to assume this task – are not like those who acted in the PPC: delivered,  and raided by rascals. – LA PRENSA, Jul. 16.