Panama remains on UK’s  quarantine red list

UK residents will no longer have to quarantine when they return from countries on the so-called ‘amber list’, which includes Spain but not South America, Panama or Costa Rica if they have both Covid-19 vaccines.

“As of July 19, UK residents who are fully vaccinated through the British vaccination program will no longer have to isolate themselves when they return to England,” Transport Minister Grant Shapps announced to Parliament.

Completely ending the third lockdown imposed in January, the British government will lift the remaining restrictions on July 19, including the obligation to wear masks indoors.

Also on that date “we will lift the slogan that you should not travel to countries on the amber list,” Shapps explained.

London introduced in May a three-color system – red, amber and green – to define travel restrictions based on health situations in different countries.

All of South America, Panama, Costa Rica, and the Dominican Republic are on the “red list”, from which only the arrivals of British citizens or legal residents are allowed, but they must isolate themselves for 10 days in hotels paying $2,400 out of pocket.

“This remains unchanged,” said the minister.