Health experts will determine if Cucalón  fit for jail

A compliance judge ordered, on Tuesday, June 29, that experts from the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Imelcf) carry out a medical-legal clarification to determine if the former director of the General Directorate of Revenue (DGI), Luis Cucalón , can serve his sentence in a penitentiary.

A compliance judge ordered, on Tuesday, June 29, that experts from the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Imelcf) carry out a medical-legal clarification to determine if the former director of the General Directorate of Revenue (DGI), Luis Cucalón , can serve his sentence in a penitentiary.

The decision of the compliance judge Roberto Sánchez was taken this Tuesday during a control and verification hearing followed by Cucalón, who was punished for the crime against the public administration, in the form of embezzlement and corruption of public servants, to the detriment of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Cucalón gained additional notoriety  when avoided numerous trial dates by hiding for two years behind the walls of the Punta Pacific Hospital, the present home of Ricardo Martinelli

Sánchez set for next Wednesday, August 4, at 10:00 am, a new control and verification hearing, in order to have the information requested from the Imelcf experts.

During the hearing, the Public Ministry was represented by the Anticorruption prosecutor, Anilú Batista Carles, while the private defense was in charge of Ángel Calderón.

On September 14, 2018, Cucalón was declared criminally responsible and sentenced by the First Criminal Circuit Court of Panama to 96 months in prison. While, on May 7, 2020, Sánchez granted the domiciliary deposit measure in favor of Cucalón.

The decision of the compliance judge Roberto Sánchez was take on Tuesday during a control and verification on hearing followed by Cucalón, who was punished for the crime against the public administration, in the form of embezzlement and corruption of public servants, to the detriment of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.


Sánchez set for next Wednesday, August 4, a new control and verification hearing, in order to have the information requested from the Imelcf experts.

On September 14, 2018, Cucalón was declared criminally responsible and sentenced by the First Criminal Circuit Court of Panama to 96 months in prison. While, on May 7, 2020, Sánchez granted the home arrest  measure in favor of Cucalón.