PANDEMIC: First line of defense is us

The third peak of the pandemic is in development. That means cases are climbing at a higher rate than normal, and consequently, Covid wards in hospitals, including intensive and semi-intensive care units, are reaching their peak, totaling more than 11,1,000 active cases, while deaths are on the rise. That is why it is very important that the population continue to observe the sanitary security measures suggested by the health authorities. Citizens must continue to avoid crowds; maintain contact (if possible) only with the family bubble and refrain from going out if it is not absolutely necessary. Let us remember that if the situation worsens, there will be new restrictions and confinement measures, something that we want neither for our mental health nor for the damage that this entails to the economy of the home and of the companies. As if that were not enough, we must remember that new variants of the virus are lurking, and even those vaccinated would be in mortal danger if they are infected with these new strains. Ultimately, it is essential to remain vigilant and comply with the recommendations. The first ring of containment of the disease is us.  LA PRENSA, Jun 26.