The “untouchable” doctor

The doctor Eyra Ruiz is not an incumbent minister, but it seems that so far she can do what she wants in the public administration because she is a member of the PRD and is part of the central committee of the ruling party.

She is just a demonstration that in Panama there are plenty of untouchables.

The official has done what she wanted in the management of Nito Cortizo, from attending while in full quarantine, the funeral of a co-party member assassinated by hitmen in full quarantine to authorizing vaccines for the deputies, which was classified as clandestine by the president himself and her boss, the Minister of Health was not even informed.

Dr. Ruiz represents everything that a government facing the covid-19 pandemic should not be because the message is opposite and contradictory when citizens and businessmen are asked to comply with the law, while they do what they want and rub it into others without any kind of blush.

We are still waiting for the president to dare to govern and send officials like this home. Otherwise, they are seen to be cut from the same piece of cloth. – MI DIARIO, Jun. 24.