Clandestine vaccinations uncovered

Health authorities must carry out a thorough investigation in the case of an alleged clandestine vaccination that this media confirmed yesterday. It is a serious complaint, in which it would be necessary to determine if there was a fraud or if the people who were vaccinated received immunization doses from third parties that are under the strict custody of the Ministry of Health and the Social Security Fund. If the latter is the case, it is necessary to clarify how they reached private hands, if they were sold. And if this operation was never approved by the competent authority, then the weight of the law should fall on all those involved, since these vaccines would have been paid for with money from the State. And the punishment needs to be exemplary, both as if these were false vaccines and if they were true, since, in any case, it would be gambling with the health of the people who received these doses, clandestinely. But also, if it was a theft of vaccines, there is no doubt that their custodians will have to be investigated, if there were orders to deliver them and, in that case, who issued them. Health authorities risk their reputations on this investigation. LA PRENSA, Jun. 8