OPINION: Justice near rock bottom

It seems that justice in Panama is beginning to hit rock bottom. Officials investigating and/or judging sit idly by; They charge thousands of dollars without lifting a finger to fulfill their duties. The scandal of the National Charity Lottery (LNB) has come to nothing. The President has not taken into account the fact that he has an office in his government who should have been dismissed without much consideration after the scandals in which she and her relatives have been involved, appointed in each office of the LNB, as well as the collection of prizes in dubious draws and in alleged electoral crimes that the first electoral prosecutor has filed, because, instead of looking for the evidence that can accredit the complaints, he has closed the case because he says that there is no evidence. In other words, the complainant must also provide evidence, as in the complaints against deputies, for which suitable proof must be provided. And as if that were not enough, the trial of the Lava Jato case in Panama has been postponed for a year because a couple of lawyers were absent from the hearing. There is no doubt that we are ruled by a gang. LA PRENSA, Jun. 3