17th batch of Pfizer vaccine destined for Colon

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) received on Tuesday, June 1, a new batch of 40,950 doses of vaccine against Covid-19 from the pharmaceutical duo Pfizer / BioNTec.

It is batch number 17 from Pfizer and according to the Health authorities, this shipment will be destined for immunization in circuits 3-1 and 3-2 (Colon) and to reinforce the second doses in other parts of the country.

The first doses will be vaccinated for people over 60 years of age, pregnant women, and teachers in these sectors.

According to the Minsa, in the latest report of the Expanded Program on Immunization, 1,071,998 doses against the coronavirus have already been applied at the national level, between Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines.