Call for ethics probe of shooting from the lip deputy

The National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information ( Antai ) has asked the Commission on credentials, regulations, parliamentary ethics, and judicial affairs of the National Assembly – currently chaired by the PRD member Roberto Ábrego – to initiate a disciplinary process against Molirena deputy Tito Rodríguez.

This follows statements by Rodriguez in the “Knockout”  feature of  La Prensa, published on Sunday, May 23 There, Rodriguez admitted frankly how, the MOLIRENA party, works the National Lottery, the Assembly, and the government.

According to Antai, the public statements made by the deputy “violate” the principles and duties contained in Law 33 of 2005, which adopts the Code of Ethics and Parliamentary Honor.

The entity explained that the beginning of this disciplinary process is based on Article 12 of said law, which establishes that it will correspond to the Parliamentary Ethics and Honor Commission to know the acts that constitute an infringement of the aforementioned norm,

“To all public servants, we ask that this bad example not discourage their role, in the construction of new public management and society, that the action of a single person is not seen as the general behavior of public servants who they do work for a culture of transparency and for the collective good, “Antai said in a statement.