No covid deaths in Panama for first time since pandemic began

Health, Minister Luis Francisco Sucre, announced Sunday, May 14 that in the last 24 hours there were no deaths due to Covid-19  The first time that no deaths have been recorded during the pandemic that has claimed the lives of  6,296 people.

 Sucre stressed that Panama has acquired 9 million doses of vaccines against the coronavirus.

 Active cases this Sunday total 5,367.

In addition, 344 new positive cases were detected, for a cumulative total of 370,877.

On the other hand, 6,626 tests were applied with of positivity of 5.1% tels.

The hospitalized number has fallen to 341, of them 281 are in a ward and 60 in intensive care.

Sucre highlighted the work that, day by day, health personnel perform in hospitals and Covid-19 care centers to save the lives of positive patients.

However, he is concerned about the increase in cases in the provinces of Bocas del Toro and Coclé.

This Sunday it was reported that the Antón district, in Coclé, maintains a high percentage of active cases of Covid-19, which is why it tops the list of places with more than 10 infections per day.

Most of the cases are concentrated in the community of Bijagüal, in the municipal district of Antón, where until midweek, the figure remained at 70 sick people