Panama launches disinformation study

Panama will carry out the first study that seeks to know the perception of the population about disinformation, its media consumption, the trust it has in information sources, and how they have been reported during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The social study will be carried out by the Media initiative in partnership with the International Center for Political and Social Studies (Cieps), and the first phase begins with a survey that the person can access at the following link 2QPbjiw the deadline to participate in the study is May 17.

Among the requirements is that the person must be currently residing in Panama and be over 18 years of age.

Harry Brown Araúz, director of Cieps, said that “this opinion study is very important because freedom of expression is one of the central rights for the consolidation of Panamanian democracy. We need to understand the relationship between citizens and information sources so that we can all face the democratic challenges of the 21st century.”

The Media Initiative is funded through a small Alumni TIES grant from the US Department of State.