3,500 AstraZenaca jabs in four days

From  Thursday, April 22 until noon on Sunday, April 25, 3,500 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine against Covid-19 have been applied, in the fast-car,  operation located in the parking lots of the Rommel Fernández stadium.

On April 16, the first 36,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine arrived in the country. In the next three weeks, the arrival of 73,000 new doses is expected.

To apply them, according to the Ministry of Health (Minsa), another seven fast-cars will be established in the rest of the country, after the interest shown by the population.

The Ministry of Health announced that everything is ready to begin vaccination Monday, April 26, in the districts of Chame, Capira, and San Carlos.

In those districts, the first dose of vaccines will be applied to those over 60 years of age, pregnant women (with the authorization of their doctor) and teachers who work in the 8-2 and 8-3 circuits.