Business Chamber cites aberrant justice system

The conditions leading to a reform of the constitution “have deepened”, exposing an administration of justice complicit in impunity with aberrant and untimely rulings and a cracked institutionality and “State organs mired in patronage that feeds discretion, insecurity, lack of transparency and corruption” says  Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture in its weekly report.

In the midst of this “not very hopeful” context and in a worrying and uncertain political panorama, the Chamber stressed that it insists on the need to reform the country’s Constitution.

It added that, regardless of the method by which these reforms are carried out, the group will actively participate in the substantive discussion, reiterating reforms that strengthen the weak institutional framework of the country.

This, through changes that imply, for example, the requirements to be magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice, their appointment and ratification, as well as those of the Attorney General and the Attorney General of the Administration, the times to appoint to these officials, the constitutional and legal powers of the Supreme Court, the budget of the Judicial Branch and the Public Ministry; the judicial function of the Legislative Organ, the method of selection and composition of the National Assembly, as well as limits to the reelection of deputies, and the limitations on the powers of the Executive.

“Panama must modernize for its integral development, considering the functional aspects that have led the country to occupy a differentiating position within the group of nations,” said the organization.