A bomb fell on the monarchy

The interview of Meghan Markle and her husband Prince Harry fell like a bomb in the United Kingdom for their harsh accusations to the monarchy, British media reported yesterday.

“Whatever the royal family expected from this interview, this was worse,” said The Times.

In the opinion of the also conservative Daily Telegraph, the royal family needs a “bulletproof vest” in view of an interview that contained ” enough shells to sink a flotilla . ” “And possibly, as some fear, to inflict the same damage on the British monarchy. “

“It is fair to say that this two-hour interview without concessions is the worst scenario for those who the couple did not stop referring to as The Firm,” it added, alluding to the racist reflections that Meghan and Henry denounced having suffered from an unidentified person in the palace before the birth of his first son, Archie.

The ITV channel used a military metaphor: “The couple loaded a B-52 bomber, flew over Buckingham Palace and unloaded their arsenal right above .”

For the BBC , “it is a devastating interview” that reveals “the terrible pressures within the palace” and draws ” the image of insensitive individuals lost in an institution” as lost as they are.

Daily Mirror insisted on the “immense sadness ” of Crown Prince Charles, Henry’s father, and his older brother William, while the Daily Express denounced “a televised conversation with Oprah that serves the couple’s own interests.”

The Wall Street Journal reported that  Oprah pocketed $7-9 million for the two-hour interview watched by 17 million people in the US.