Vehicle theft on the rise

Organized crime networks dedicated to the theft of vehicles appear to have been activated after the lifting of some of the mobility restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The National Police and the Public Ministry recently recovered 25 cars stolen between February and so far this month.

Prosecutor Sonia Almanza, specialized in the investigation of robberies and thefts of vehicles, confirmed that in the first months of 2021 there has been an increase in complaints related to these crimes.

In all of 2020, 84 complaints of car theft were received, and in the first months of this year, 123 complaints have already been reported.

Almanza revealed that there are organized crime groups in Central America that place specific orders for vehicles to be stolen in Panama and later sold in Costa Rica.

The vehicles preferred by criminals are pick-ups and trucks with four-wheel drive (4×4) that are taken out of the country by land and then sold on the black market.

Police sources highlighted the possible involvement of municipal officials, which would facilitate their fraudulent registration of cars for subsequent departure from the country or sale.