Attorney General resigns ‘ungrateful and misunderstood job’

Attorney General  Eduardo Ulloa, has submitted his resignation to President  Laurentino Cortizo describing public service as an ungrateful and misunderstood job.

Ulloa’s departure from the Public Ministry comes in the midst of investigations into alleged abuse and mistreatment within the shelters supervised by the National Secretariat for Children,Adolescents and the Family (Senniaf).

In a video posted on YouTube, Ulloa read the content of the letter he sent to the President

He mentioned that, as part of the responsibilities in the position, he had to sacrifice time with his family,  who ” had to accept that his integrity and capacity were debated daily in the media in an open way.

He said that the family life that they led for years was upset, and their emotional peace and tranquility was altered.

He stated that they had to deal with a society in permanent confrontation where interested criticism and media judgment leave behind the serene analysis and the work that is done ” which makes public service an ungrateful and misunderstood job .”

He highlighted that he had to work with a system incapable of solving situations as critical as the wellbeing of children, leading to institutional responsibility for the events that have shocked the country.

Ulloa’s resignation will be effective on March 1, 2021. “ I hope that [his resignation] will contribute to

the reflection of all Panamanians, with a view to working towards a better country and to achieve the objectives that as a nation, we all seek ”.

Ulloa took  office on December 10, 2019 after the resignation of Kenia Porcell.

Under Ulloa’s leadership, there were also important high-profile cases related to acts of corruption in the administration of former President Ricardo Martinelli. One of the most emblematic and that should go to trial is the Odebrecht case.

The second hearing in the case of illegal wiretapping which has a start date of June 22, is another process that must be attended.

Blue Apple, New Business cases and investigations into irregularities in purchases in the midst of the pandemic are other processes that were in the hands of the Public Ministry that Ulloa is leaving behind.