OPINION – The absurdity of Government  privilege


In Panama, the absurd enjoys the privilege of government attention, and not the priority in purchases, in decisions, behaviors, and even in planning. It is difficult to imagine it, but it is our reality. This is the case of the purchase of the cold chain for a vaccine purchased by the Government to immunize the inhabitants against Covid-19. First, a tender was called that had to be decided at the end of last year, and not now partially. Later, we learn that no delivery of the parts of this cold chain can be made before 80 days, with which the refrigerators and the rest of the equipment will arrive in May… hopefully. To this must be added the installation time of such a capacity, which far exceeds the needs required to store the aforementioned vaccine, which – as we have seen – is arriving in small quantities every week. And, to top it all off, suspicions and suspicions, as the Government made the purchasing conditions more flexible, benefiting a consortium that is the winner of the main items, but whose latest imports have been for playgrounds, no refrigeration equipment and less so sophisticated. Where is the consistency of these purchases? – LA PRENSA, Feb. 21