Covid transmission and fatality rates fall

For five consecutive weeks the effective reproduction number for Covid -19(Rt) has remained below 1.

For this week the Rt at the national level is 0.83, which reflects a decrease in the number of infections for each infected.

In addition, the Minsa revealed that in the country there are a total of 13,254 active cases of people infected with the n coronavirus.

On the other hand, in the country today 4,164 tests were applied to detect those infected. After these tests, 500 new cases were detected.

This Monday 1,461 hospitalized patients were reported, 1,259 of them are in the ward and 202 in an intensive care unit.

The Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, highlighted the reduction in the positivity of the virus between 7% and 12% and the decrease in the fatality rate of the virus.