The benefits of the pandemic

While the Covid-19 pandemic has brought countless misfortunes and misfortunes, it has also been the cause of other things that are certainly good. It has been, for example, a stimulus for science, technology and imagination, put to the test in various fields and at all levels.

 In Panama there are some good examples. In the field of science, medicine, and technology, we must applaud the Ventilators  For Panamá project, developed by various professionals under the tutelage of the  Panama Institute for Scientific Research and High Technology (Indicasat-AIP).

 They have achieved two prototypes of low-cost mechanical ventilators that have already passed operational tests and are now awaiting approval from the Ministry of Health. The project fills a country with pride where the live game is a culture that takes hold of many, promoting mediocrity and creating parasites that call themselves political. It is these achievements that make us feel that there is hope, that, despite everything, there is an opportunity to achieve the goals, that it is worth studying, despite the fact that governments,  hiring, prefer the party card to university diplomas.- LA PRENSA, Feb. 14.