Protestors demand accountability for covid spending

Carrying signs  reading “My country is not a business”   and denouncing corruption a group of citizens gathered on Calle 50 on Thursday afternoon, February 11,  to demand    the Government account for the management of public funds, especially those destined to face the crisis due to the pandemic.

 “We are here to speak out for the collective discontent that we have had in the last year. We cannot continue to live from decree to decree. Why are we on the street? We have ten consecutive Thursdays trying to get accountability. Even with the vaccine they are negotiating, ”said a protester with a megaphone.

Cristian Abrego, from Citizen Conscience said  that the people should not allow the country to be managed as if it as if it were a private farm. “It cannot be that we continue to be a subservient indolent country,” he said.