Govenor of Panama replaced

President Cortizo asked Judy Meana to resign as governor of the province of Panama after only nine months and replaced her with Carla García.

García, who until yesterday served as deputy director of the National Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and Family, is the daughter of the Vice Minister of the Presidency, Carlos García.

At a press conference, Meana, a member of the Nationalist Republican Liberal Movement (Molirena), an ally of the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), reported that Cortizo called her to inform her that he would carry out “a renewal” of the Government.

“He [Cortizo], in the end, can put whoever he decides,” said Meana.

She will now return to the Vice Mayor of the municipality of Panama, to which she was elected in the May 2019 elections together with Mayor José Luis Fábrega, a product of the alliance between the (PRD) and Molirena.

The vice-e mayor assumed the governorship of the province of Panama on April 16, 2020 and had planned to remain in that position until April 2022, when the license granted by the Municipal Council expired.