CORRUPTION -Panama's pandemic

Corruption is our pandemic. Two reports – independent of each other – have us on everyone’s lips. Panama is, according to the Lowy Institute of Australia, one of the 10 countries in the world –of the 98 measured– that has managed the pandemic the worst.

But we are also in the group of 10 countries – out of 180 – that has dropped 10 or more positions in Transparency International’s 2020 corruption perception index.

The Lowy Institute, a think tank that does a global survey, drew up the rankings, and we’re literally at the bottom 92 out of 98 in handling the pandemic.  On corruption, we returned to the score of 2012 and 2013, when Ricardo Martinelli reigned.And since 2015, when the country obtained its best score, the index has moved downward, losing 39 points in recent years, which shows us that Panama suffers from a disease with no apparent cure.

Now, under a PRD government, we keep going backward. For this reason, it is pertinent to remind the country’s first worker of his first great promise: “As of July 1, 2019 – government and society – we will carry out the task of rescuing Panama, after a decade characterized by corruption and incapacity.” When will we start, President?  –  LA PRENSA, Jan. 29.