YouTube suspends Trump indefinitely

AFP – The YouTube video hosting platform has suspended Donald Trump indefinitely, US media indicated, while his lawyer,

Rudy Giuliani, will no longer be able to earn money from his recordings. 

YouTube, which suspended the chain of the now-former president (2.77 million subscribers) for the first time on January 13 after the violent assault on the Capitol on January 6, announced a week ago that it was extending this suspension for seven days.

The US platform, owned by Google, had been criticized for the slowness of its response, compared to the more radical measures of other social

networks. YouTube simply suspended the broadcast of new videos on the ex-president’s official chain.

“In light of the concern about the still possible acts of violence, the chain of Donald J Trump will continue to be suspended,” a YouTube spokeswoman told Politico.

YouTube confirmed to AFP on Tuesday that it had temporarily prevented Rudy Giuliani from benefiting from its “partner” program for repeatedly failing to respect the platform’s rules on disinformation during the US elections.

The lawyer, whose chain has 600,000 subscribers, no longer has access to ertain functions and can no longer receive money from the advertising spaces broadcast before the videos.

The 76-year-old former mayor of New York, who is also risking expulsion from the New York bar association, fueled conspiracy theories by claiming that rhe election was rigged,