Joint Task Force nets curfew busters

A  joint night operation by the Ministry of Health (Minsa) and the Joint Task Force on Friday, January 22 netted  several establishments not complying with biosafety regulations and they found several people who did not comply with the curfew

Ana Lorena Chang, head of public health for the metropolitan health region, recalled that from 9:00 pm on Friday the 22nd to 4:00 am on Monday, January 25, the provinces of Panama, Panama Oeste, Veraguas, Los Santos, Coclé and the district of Santa Fe de Darién entered a total quarantine.

The official explained that the operation resulted in the discovery of expired food products, subpoenas, people detained and brought before a justice of the peace.

Chang added that direct sanctions were imposed on business establishments. In addition, it specified that nine people were sanctioned for non-compliance with the curfew and brought before a justice of the peace.

Yesterday, Friday, the Minsa reported 2,041 new positive cases of Covid-19, for a cumulative total of 307,793. While in the last 24 hours there were 33 new deaths, bringing the total since March 2020 to 4,980.