Vaccine queue jumpers push frontline doctors aside

Doctors who have worked on the frontline caring for patients with covid-19 are concerned about complaints of possible selectivity in the vaccination roll-out process,
The Association of Resident and Intern Physicians of the Social Security Fund (CSS) stated that they have worked on the battlefront since the pandemic began and are part of the health personnel with the greatest exposure to the virus.
Anette Alberda, resident doctor at the Arnulfo Arias Madrid Hospital Complex, stressed that inmates and residents are valuable personnel who, in 10 months of the pandemic, have represented the CSS in the first battlefront, and despite that they were not considered to receive the expected vaccine.
Guillermo Baily, medical director of the National Hospital, and José Terán, director of the San Fernando Hospital, confirmed that their staff who treat patients with SARS-CoV-2 in emergency rooms and intensive care units will not receive the vaccine in the first batch of doses.
“And the worst has been the application of vaccines to personnel who do not comply with the premise of being on the front line against Covid. This is disgusting ”, said Terán.
The CSS said on its Twitter account, that officials who accepted or agree to be vaccinated without being within the priority group will be dismissed.
Itzel Hewitt, general coordinator of the Expanded Immunization Program of the Ministry of Health , stressed that it is the responsibility of each hospital medical director to ensure that the guidelines are met and that the vaccine reaches the people who care for patients with the virus.
The Ministry of Health reported yesterday that about 3,319 people were given the first dose, in two days of vaccination, out of a total of 4,926 that so far have been dispatched throughout the country.